Hailey excited to get her hair cut short
Goodbye long beautiful hair..
Here goes nothing.
Do I look cute?
Your beauty was not lost with your lovely locks...still as cute as ever.
NEXT: Amber's first haircut EVER!
This isn't going to hurt right?
How short are we going here?
No turning back now....
My big girl.
This day was a big day. After months of discussions on what they wanted. I let my girls make their own decisions on what they thought was best. I was proud of them for going after what they wanted... despite what mommy wanted. I had to let go, a bit, of my little girls, but in doing so I was reminded ... "Life should be a pattern of experiences to savor, not to endore." So I did just that and savored the moment.
You know, as a parent, you want your children to experience life, to be strong, be their own person, and be confident in their own choices. Why, when it comes down to it is it so hard to actually let that happen? Can't we just put them back in the crib? Who taught them how to talk? I guess watching them grow up can be just as rewarding as caring for them when they are babies. The girls made grown up choices today, but I think I am the one that grew a little.
"Yesterday is but a dream, tomorrow is only a vision. But today, well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope." -- The Sanskrit
*After I was done writing this I heard, in my head, the music that was played at the end of Doogie Howser MD as he sat at his computer typing and reflected on the day* You will understand if you are older than 30 years old.
The girls look great. Mine just had their ears pierced. It is so hard to let them grow up and make their own decisions.